Saturday, March 26, 2011

RS Birthday Party Fun!

What a fantastic evening of getting to know the spectacular women in our ward! The Relief Society Birthday Party was SO much fun as we got to show the Young Women how much fun it is to be in the Relief Society as personalities, talents, and interests were shared.

But what's a birthday party without any games? Cheeto head was definitely a huge hit. ;)

First, we needed volunteers...

Preparation was key

Then we assigned the ever eager shaving cream volunteers a "head"

Then we styled the shaving cream head for the optimum cheeto head tower

Such style.

Such poise.

Many thanks to our volunteers; they were such troopers!

We had such a great turnout. Thank you to all the dear sisters for coming and sharing this evening with us!

We were all so privileged to discover talents and interests of some of the amazing women in this ward. If I failed to document some that shared, my sincerest apologies and I'll try better next time.

In no particular order, the talents and interests of the Rigby 7th Ward ladies:

We then had a fun white elephant gift exchange. Who knew that 101 Ways to Flirt could be so popular? Or white bath mats?

And to finish the evening on a sweet note, refreshments in honor of the birthday theme and the fact that the evening fell on St. Patrick's Day, we enjoyed green monster cupcakes, lime-infused water, caramel and white chocolate-dipped pretzels, tiny tarts and mini-cheesecakes and cream puffs.

A brief mention about the green monster cupcakes: they were initially ordered to be light green with white polka dots on chocolate cupcakes. When they were picked up...well, the picture explains it all that according to Marilyn, "Only a man would've messed up those instructions that badly!"

Everything was simply scrumptious not only to look at but for the tastebuds as well!

Mmm, delicious!!!!

All in all, it was a fantastic evening full of fun memories. Thanks for being so wonderful, Rigby 7th Ward gals!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

RS Birthday Party!!!

Get ready to celebrate with the gals of the Ward for our Relief Society Birthday!!!

What's more, we encourage all young women (12-18) to join in the fun.

Come to the Rigby Stake Cultural Hall
March 17, 2011
7:00 pm
Please bring a wrapped "white elephant" gift
And samples of a hobby, skill or passion that you enjoy doing. No samples? We would love to see pictures!
Dress will be casual, and get ready to laugh as we all get to know each other during this birthday-themed celebration!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Notes from Julie Beck @ BYU-I Center

We realized that not everyone would have the opportunity to attend the amazing Conference with Julie Beck that was at the BYU-I Center last Saturday (02/26/11), so the RS Presidency decided to attach some notes here. We pray that you may feel the Spirit that resided during the meeting.

Julie Beck @ BYU-I Center
26 February 2011
Hosted by Rigby South Stake
Conducted by Beverly Peterson
~RS Choir always wears white blouses, no matter what part of the world they are in
~Julie Beck grew up with Barbara Thompson, her 2nd counselor
~ We are not meant to entertain (see Moses 1:39 on what the Lord expects of us), and RS is not in the entertainment business
Question & Answer (Q&A) with Julie Beck
Meant to give insight in bettering the Lord's Kingdom, asked by sisters in the audience, responded entirely by Julie Beck
How does one gain a testimony of RS?
  • hearing of service and charity work through program
  • female version of the Savior's ministry (Luke 10)
  • sisters must be part of restored church or it (the church) won't work; church not fully organized until RS was formed (spoken by Joseph Smith)
What is the purpose of the RS?
  • Increase fath
  • Strengthen family & home
  • Seek out and help those in need
How do we properly handle sisters turning away from the gospel?
How do we help sisters who are single or widowed feel like a part of RS?
  • Applies for 1/3-1/2 RS sisters worldwide
  • Only with the Spirit
How do we uphold values and keep going in the gospel during such difficult times in the world?
  • Learn from examples of women in the scriptures
  • Eliza R. Snow, seek wisdom instead of power
Why do women go on missions at 21 and not 19 like the young men?
  • gospel of Jesus Christ teaches us to prepare to serve a mission, which then applies to everything about the church due to that preparation
  • Two halves of the Lord's Plan, male and female but He expects us all to complete His work and fulfill our responsibilities
How do we find a balance?
  • don't get caught up in busyness; choose your path, prioritize by listening to promptings of Holy Ghost
  • essential goals (accomplished daily):
  • ~making and keeping covenants with the Lord
  • ~follow the prophets and Lord's teaching
  • align yourself with the Lord
How often should we go to the temple?
  • as often as we can, again listening to the Spirit
How do we properly utilize the priesthood?
  • Listen to promptings of the Spirit
How can single mother sisters deal with spite and harsh feelings in RS/judgment from other sisters?
  • Realize that we can't change others; recognize in self what one has to give; recognize who you are
How do we teach those that "know more" about the gospel?
  • study lesson and take the Spirit with you
  • bear testimony about what you do know
How do we stem the tidal wave of pornography out of the lives of the RS sisters and lives of gospel members?
  • dress appropriately
  • realize that Satan is predatory
  • be intentional about what you're doing
  • beware of flattery (entitlement) Alma 30
How do we show proper examplese to family members that are not members or active in the Church?
How do we do our part to prepare the kingdom for His Coming when it seems so overwhelming?
  • Our example and faith, as weak as we are, will become a light and move mountains
  • gospel principles within one's own homes; create climate in home where Spirit resides 24/7
What are some focuses for sister missionaries?
  • Start sharing gospel
  • steady scripture study to know where to turn when asked questions
How can we reach a goal even if it seems to go against the Lord's plan?
  • bring forward new spiritual growth
  • our eternal plan is motherhood
  • upcoming generation needs strong leadership, which begins in home
  • our talents are best utilized within our own home, even if it doesn't seem to make any impact on the world (according to world's standard of personal achievement)
  • recognize that the Lord owns our gifts and talents, and He will use those gifts in the best way for us; trust in Him
Q&A End
Visiting Teaching:
-get over the issues
-a sacred opportunity
-He cares about the consecration of our heart

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Conference with Julie Beck

Rigby Idaho South Stake

Relief Society Conference


Sister Julie Beck

Relief Society General President

Date and Time: February 26th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

Place: BYU-I Center on the BYU-Idaho Campus

Invitation to: All Relief Society sisters and Laurel-age Young Women (16-18)
(Stake Presidents and Bishops are invited to the Leadership
Training Meeting following the Conference, but may attend the
Conference if they would like.)

Arrival Time: Please arrive EARLY!!! Heavy traffic, finding a place to park, and walking to the Center will take time, so be prepared. The building will be open by 8:00 a.m. Doors to the Conference area will open at 9:00 a.m. Everyone should be seated by 9:45! The Choir will begin their prelude at 9:40

Attire: Sunday Dress

Transportation: Car-pooling is a necessity! Car pools should include at least 4 sisters and a full car is best. Some stakes/wards are having all of their sisters meet at their local building where they will fill cars to capacity and leave other vehicles at the Church.

Tow-Away Zone: Parking is not allowed in the housing complexes. Cars parked there will be towed!

Hearing Needs: Section 1 (right front) will hae seats reserved for the hearing impaired and an interpreter will be provided by BYU-I.

Children: Please arrange to leave young children at home. It will be a long morning with travel, early arrival, a two-hour conference, and dispersion of people and traffic afterward. They can also be a distraction to others who are nearby. Perhaps Young Women in a ward, or husbands and dads can be of service and allow little ones to remain at home.


Due to the large number of people who will be attending the Leadership Training with Sister Beck, only those Stake and Ward Relief Society Presidencies and their Priesthood Leadership staying for that meeting can be accomodated for lunch at the Crossroads in the Manwaring Center. Those people will purchase their lunch from one of eight food stations in the Crossrads or from one of the buffet lines. There will be seating for 800 in the Ballroom and there is a large seating area in the food court. There will be a variety of items and a range of costs. You may bring your own lunch.

The lunch in the Crossroads will be designed for efficiency to facilitate the process of providing lunch for 1200-1400 people within a 60-minute time frame.

Sisters not attending the Training will need to find lunch resources off campus in Rexburg or surrounding communities. Some wards have planned a luncheon with their sisters at their own meetinghouse. Rigby 7th Ward has not made any arrangments for this.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Foccacia Recipe

After many requests for this foccacia recipe from the January Enrichment, we just had to post this delicious bread recipe so that others may enjoy.

I know that I'll be making it tomorrow! Enjoy. :)


5 c unbleached high-gluten or bread flour

2 tsp salt

2 tsp instant yeast

6 Tbs olive oil

2 c water, room temperature

1/4-1/2 c herb oil*

Stir together the flour, salt, and yeast in a large mixing bowl (or in the bowl of an electric mixer). Add the oil and water and mix with a large metal spoon until all the ingredients form a wet, sticky ball (or mix on low speed with the paddle attachment). If you are using an electric mixer, switch to the dough hook and mix on medium speed for 5-7 minutes, or as long as it takes to create a smooth, sticky dough. The dough should clear the sides of the bowl but stick to the bottom of the bowl. You may need to add additional flour to firm up the dough enough to clear the sides of the bowl, but the dough should still be quite soft and sticky.

Sprinkle enough flour on the counter to make a bed about 6 inches square. Using a scraper or spatula dipped in water, transfer the sticky dough to the bed of flour and dust liberally with flour, patting the dough into a rectangle. Wait 5 minutes for the dough to relax.

Coat your hands with flour and stretch the dough from each end to twice its size. Fold it, letter style, over itself to return it to a rectangular shape. Mist the top of the dough with spray oil, again dust with flour, and loosely cover with plastic wrap.

Let rest for 30 minutes. Stretch and fold the dough again; mist with spray oil, dust with flour, and cover. After 30 minutes, repeat this one more time.

Allow the covered dough to ferment on the counter for 1 hour. It should swell but not necessarily double in size.

Line a 17 X 12 sheet pan with baking parchment and proceed with the shaping and panning. Drizzle 1/4 c olive oil over the paper, and spread it with your hands or a brush to cover the surface. Lightly oil your hands and using a plastic or metal pastry scraper, lift the dough off the counter and transfer it to the sheet pan, maintaining the rectangular shape as much as possible.

Spoon half of the herb oil over the dough. Use your fingertips to dimple the dough and spread it to fill the pan simultaneously. Do not use the flat of your hands--only the fingertips--to avoid tearing or ripping the dough. Try to keep the thickness as uniform as possible across the surface. Dimpling allows you to de-gas only part of the dough while preserving gas in the non-dimpled sections. If the dough becomes too springy, let it rest for about 15 minutes and then continue dimpling. Use more herb oil as needed to ensure that the entire surface is coated with oil.

Loosely cover the pan with plastic wrap (or place the pan inside a food-grade plastic bag). Refrigerate the dough overnight (or for up to 3 days).

Remove the pan from the refrigerator 3 hours before baking. Drizzle additional herb oil over the surface and dimple it in. (You can use all of it if you want; the dough will absorb it even thought it looks like a lot). This should allow you to fill the pan completely with the dough to a thickness of about 1/2 inch. Add any other pre-proof toppings desired. Again, cover the pan with plastic and proof the dough at room temperature for 3 hours, or until the dough doubles in size, rising to a thickness of nearly 1 inch.

Preheat the oven to 500 F with the oven rack on the middle shelf. Gently place any pre-bake toppings on the dough.

Place the pan in the oven. Lower the oven setting to 450 F and bake for 10 minutes. Rotate the pan 100 degrees and continue baking the focaccia for 5-1o minutes or so. The internal temperature of the dough should register above 200 F, and the cheese, if using, should melt but not burn.

Remove the pan from the oven and immediately transfer the focaccia out of the pan onto a cooling rack. If the parchment is stuck on the bottom, carefully remove it by lifting the corner fo the focaccia and peeling it off the bottom with a gentle tug.

Allow focaccia to cool for at least 20 minutes before slicing or serving.

*Herb Oil:

The generous application of herb oil to focaccia will enhance the flavor of the dough more than any toppings. There are many ways to make this oil, and you can make it in any quantity. I try to always keep some on hand for cooking and dipping. You can use either dried or fresh herbs, or a combination. Do not heat the oil, just warm it, and then let the herbs steep in the warm oil, infusing with their wonderful flavors.

Warm 2 c olive oil to about 100 F. Add 1 c chopped fresh herbs. The herbs may include basil, parsley, oregano, tarragon, rosemary, thyme, cilantro, savory, and sage, in any combination. Add 1 Tbs granulated garlic or 5-6 cloves fresh garlic, minced. Store any unused herb oil in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Book Club Line-Up

Mostly so I don't lose this information anymore, I thought it would be the most helpful to post the upcoming hostesses for Book Club these next few months:

  • January: Melanie Allen
  • February: Angie Youngstrom
  • March: Lori Ricks
  • April: Kaye Lynn Warner
  • May: Bethany Nelson
Though Angie has moved from the ward, she has graciously offered to hold February's Book Club at her new residence. We will give the address in RS and make sure that those in Young Women, the Library, and Primary are made aware of where her home it.

Because we have chosen to make this blog open to the public, we don't want to put every bit of information down because you never know what weirdies could be lurking around. We are so excited to get this in motion and make this a regular part of contacting and informing all the wonderful sisters in the ward.

Friday, January 28, 2011

January's Book Club Reviews

What a fantastic Book Club night at Melanie Allen's home! Not only did we get a chance to make a few cute Valentine's for our family members, but we also had some delicious refreshments while listening to a brief synapsis of the following three young adult fictions, which all deal with children with varying disabilities:

Rules by Cynthia Lord

Catherine tries to help her younger brother who has autism by making and writing rules for him to follow-mostly about social situations like, "say thank you when someone gives you something, even if you don't like it." And "no toys in the fish tank." The author, Cynthia, has a son who has autism. (current day)

Memories of Summer by Ruth White

Lyric, her older sister Summer and their father move to get a fresh start. In their new home, Summer begins to develop schizophrenia. Lyric struggles with loving her sister and wanting to be a "normal" teenager. (1950s)

Joey Pigza by Jack Gantos

Joey has ADHD. He is in Special Education and takes medication. He goes to stay with his dad for the summer and forgets to take his medication. Written in Joey's perspectice. Insightful. Also, Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key, What Would Joey Do? and I Am Not Joey Pigza. (current day)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

January's Book Club

What: Book Club

When: Thurs. 1/27 @ 7 pm

Where: Melanie Allen's home

What: Book review of your favorite or most recent read (easy read, not controversial, uplifting, fun)

Who: Any RS sister interested!


Bring whatever you have laying around (Don't spend any $, just bring what you might have...) for making valentines! We'll draw, cut, color and paste while we chat. Make some for your kids to pass out to friends, send one to grandma or just make one for your special sweetheart. I'll have some healthy and not-so healthy snacks so they'll be something for everyone. Everyone's invited!Hope to see you here!!!
~Mell 346-1791

Monday, January 24, 2011

Recession Enrichment Night

At Enrichment night in January 2011 there were some ideas mentioned of how we can save money. One way was making your own at home mixes to add to your food storage. Another was making your own dishwasher detergent, laundry soap and household cleaners. Here are a few recipes....

Food Storage Muffin Mix
8 C Flour
2/3 C Sugar
1/3 C Baking Power
1 T Salt
1 C Shortening
mix and store in an airtight container
Using the mix....
2 1/3 C Mix
1 Egg
1 C Milk
Fill the muffin tins 2/3 of the way full
Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes
**for fruit muffins add 1 C well drained fruit**

Bulk Taco Seasoning
3/4 C Dried Onion Flakes
1/2 C Chili Powder
1/4 C Salt
3 T Cornstarch
3 T Garlic Powder
3 T Cumin
2 T Cayenne Pepper
mix together and store in an airtight container

Food Storage Cake Mix
8 C Flour
1/4 C Baking Power
5 C Sugar
4 t Salt
10 T Dry Milk
to use mix
3 1/2 C Cake Mix
1 1/2 t Vanilla
1/3 C Oil
2 Eggs

Food Storage Potato Flakes
boil and mash potatoes - no butter no milk
spread a thin layer on parchement paper or wax paper
when cool peel off and blend in a blender or food processor
store in an airtight container

Dish Washing Detergent
1 T Arm and Hammer Super Wash Soda
1 T 20 Mule Team Borax
add white distilled vinegar to jet dry dispenser

 Glass Cleaner
2 C Water
3 T White Vinegar
2 t liquid detergent

Spray Cleaner
4 L Water
1/2 C Pure Soap
1/4 C Lemon Juice
a few drops of vinegar or tea tree oil (tea tree oil makes it anti-bacterial)

Laundry Soap
1 qt Water
2 C Regular Bar Soap (unscented) grated
2 C Borax
2 C Washing Soap

Boil water in large pot, add soap and stir until dissolved, turn heat down and add borax and washing soda. Will thicken as it cools.
Use 1/2 C per load

Friday, January 14, 2011

January Enrichment

Times may be financially tough right now, but that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun amidst the "Depression" of bills and expenses!

During the Great Depression of the 30's, what people lacked in money, they made up for in family traditions and relying on those who matter the most.

Join us Thursday, January 20th at 7:00 p.m. in the Rigby Stake Center multi-purpose room for a relaxed night to learn new ways to save and keep the humor during hard times by sharing favorite family traditions.

And what gathering is complete without a little refreshment?! Reminiscent of the Great Depression fave bread and milk, bring your favorite loaf of bread to share.

Who: All the gals in Relief Society with their favorite loaf of bread

What: January Depression Session Enrichment night

Where: Rigby Stake Center Multi-Purpose Room

When: 7:00 p.m

Why: To have a relaxed and fun evening learning how to save during hard times and share family traditions.

How: Come with your favorite loaf of bread (or just the recipe) to share and a favorite family tradition.

We will have steamy hot chocolate to ward off the cold, wintry night to go with the delicious bread, so we look forward to seeing you there!